Here some questions to ponder on till then
- What is non-blocking vs blocking?
- [ ] • Overview of Blocking vs Non-Blocking
- [ ] What is throughput?
- [ ] what is the difference between readFile and readFileSync
- [ ] How can you make a network request using http module?
- [ ] How to create a web server without express?
- [ ] What is libuv?
- [ ] What are the different phases involved in event loop?
- [ ] What are timers in Node.js?
- [ ] What is NVM? how do you use it?
- [ ] What is common.js? how is it different from es modules?
- [ ] How does the crypto module work?
- [ ] What are web sockets?
- [ ] What are microservices?
- [ ] Creating a CLI based app using Node.js and publish it
Express.js + Mongoose